Anxiety Therapy

Three Ways to Assert Your Needs with Difficult Coworkers

Three Ways to Assert Your Needs with Difficult Coworkers

Does it make you uncomfortable to say “no” to others? Do you avoid telling them how you feel in hopes that the problem will just go away? Do you feel like you are constantly trying to please other people, but at the end of the day they still seem displeased with you? Maybe there is a boss or coworker who completely overwhelms your ability to act; leaving you feeling miserable and resentful long after the workday is over.

Three Ways to Help You Better Control Your Media Consumption

Three Ways to Help You Better Control Your Media Consumption

Our innate curiosities (both morbid and wholesome) have been fundamental to our success as a species. The engine of curiosity has driven the development of every technological innovation from the wheel to the smart phone. Our curiosity has bestowed the rewards (and responsibility) of ever greater control over our own lives and the workings of the planet. It is no surprise that we have started to equate curiosity with control.

Keeping Your Emotional Home Safe From Digital Overload

Keeping Your Emotional Home Safe From Digital Overload

The following series of blog posts are designed to help you assess your level of exposure to jarring political information on social media and news outlets. The goal is to focus your attention by being more selective about your exposure to the unfolding events.

The Stress Trap: Men Living with Anger and Emotional Detachment

The Stress Trap: Men Living with Anger and Emotional Detachment

The number of men living under severe stress has remained at epidemic proportions despite advances in self care over the last generation. It is estimated that 43% of all adults are suffering the adverse health effects of stress including increased risk of high blood pressure, diabetes, heart problems and asthma.